New version of Eclipse IDE


For those of you who arent aware.

There is a complete programming langauge inside called Apex, and a complete user interface design language, called Visualforce.

You can program in any software, you can program straight into the web browser or into notepad if you want, but the benefits of using Eclipse are pretty strong.

Namely code checking, syntax highlighting simplified migration between orgs.

If you are a programmer, or interested in starting to code, check it out. Finance Package

I just received an invitation to do an online survey, from Wendy Close at

I accepted, and the survey was about market research into the need for an On Demand Financial Package that is part of

I am excited about this. As long as it is done correctly... Integrates with Twitter

Apparently as part of the 'Service Cloud', we can now expect to see integration with twitter.

I think the service cloud is innovative, but innovative in a Moore way.

Will this concept cross the chasm? Personally, I feel that this technology is a bit too bleeding edge, and in it's current form will not become a dominant business solution.
In concept though it is great, and I'm looking forward to this being refined so that it does become the killer 'Service Cloud' we all need.

Microsoft Azure down for 22 hours straight


Makes you realise that having gone down in total mabye 3 hours in the past 2 years is not too bad.

What is cloud computing?

Everyone's talking about it...
But what really is it?
Neat video from which explains how Cloud Computing should relate to your business.
Interestingly enough, it describes well what our company does, enables organisations to deploy and use cloud technologies (
Check out the video

New Data Centre in Singapore 10 months after announcing plans to build a data centre in Singapore are now ready to go live.

According to information I have obtained just this morning, I am lead to believe that certain user 'orgs' have been asked to become among the first to be migrated across to the new data centre platform.

If you view, you will see incredibly fast page delivery speeds, but importantly, these speeds are 'delivery' speeds, and do not account necessarily for the actual speed it may take for you to get a page open on your computer.

Will this new data centre mean faster speeds for users in Australia? With less hops to us? I am not expert on telecommunications infrastructure between Sydney and Singapore, but I wonder which ISP's in Australia will have the fastest connections to the Singapore data centre?

Will this mean that users on the Singapore data centre will not be subject to the Patriot Laws that are in affect in the USA? has had their 'Trust' website for a long time now. is a central place to see the performance of the servers, inlcuding down time, maintenance, or page delivery times for example.

It seems google have now just recently mimmicked this service.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

Just goes to show that Google and other Cloud Computing vendors are only now, implementing things that has had for years.

I would still like to see Google acquire, not this year... but maybe next?