Winter '10 Release coming soon

This release looks great, meatier than the last one!

See some of the ideas coming in this next release:

I still cannot find the formal release notes, nor an estimated date.... when is winter in San Francisco anyways?

I'm thinking we'll see these features launched in line with Dreamforce this year. Whilst on the topic of Dreamforce, if you work in the realm, hit up your boss or use your travel budget to attend this function, it really is truly revolutionary, I've been the last few years.

You'll come back with ideas on how to dramatically change the way your business operates, and you will become part of the small-ish percentage of people who are leading the charge in transforming organisations using the internet, and implementing Web 2.0 business strategies ahead of the pack...

Cloud Computing changes the Consulting Model

Interesting Article. Copy pasted below...

When a company uses a consulting firm to build an application, it is beneficial to have the firm take responsibility for the entire project. If you don't do this, it will be impossible to assign blame when things fall apart.

The other aspect of this is that the team needs to work closely together, else miscommunication and other mayhem ensue.

So this forces the consulting firm to staff up with ALL the various competencies that are needed to complete a project - and for the organization to use this one-stop shop.

But when you use a platform like, this becomes less important. The architecture of the application is already in place, all the hard things like security and authentication are taken care of, there is no database tuning needed, there is much closer communication with the users, etc. The development cycles are much shorter and the overall number of people involved is significanly less, so the need for project management and system documentation doesn't have the same level of criticality.

This means that it is relatively easy to slot different people in at different times from different companies - because they are all working in the same playground they know well. It's not a problem to carve out a snippet of APEX code to be developed by someone who is not heavily involved in the project, or for someone to build a VisualForce screen. It just plugs right in (or should).

Besides, because many of the applications that will be built on a platform like Force will be ever-evolving, it will be much harder to keep a complete team in place at all times. (This is beyond "maintenance" - there is no such thing as maintenance for situational applications - just ever-evolving software).

This means that we are going to see the rise of boutique firms that specialize in different aspects of Force development - application/business process design, APEX/VF programming, and cloud node integration. The old one-stop shop will become increasingly less necessary for building many types of applications, and companies will simply be able to call in specialists as needed from whatever firm has the resources available at the time.

Or not?

Sites changes the game... Sites is now out.

Got into, click setup, develop, then sites. Register your domain!

I've registered

This is a fundamental shift in what can do as a platform.

Really really exciting stuff. is now becoming not only a CRM, but now a true database and application development platform.

Watch out Websphere and the likes.

To put this in perspective, people normally take in the region of 10 to 20 days of consulting and development for a simple integration from a website with, now using Sites, we could do it in 2-10 days.

Great for our team of developers, since we're much better at coding in Sites (Visualforce and Apex) than messing around with troublesome middleware and custom integration servers!

Simpler and cheaper, could you want for more?

First Australian Sites Deployment

Great to see some Aussie companies getting on board with Sites.

See news article.

This organisation was lucky enough to get on the pre-release schedule for Sites.

Our company was lucky enough to work with a number of the Australian pre-release clients to build out their Sites pages...

Now that Sites is available, I can start rolling it out on my website.

When is Sites released?

Summer 09 release went live over the weekend.

That's great, we have a whole lot more neat features.

I was hoping that Sites was going to be included in this release, even though the release notes didn't mention it.

The official Sites page says that it will be available Calendar 09... lets hope it's coming in the next release?

If anyone else knows when to expect it let me know.

Cloud Computing Explained, a Video

This is a neat video.

If you hear people talking about Cloud Computing, and never really fully understood what it is, this is a great start.

Some leading vendors in cloud computing for Businesses:

* Google - Not only search, new Enterprise Apps, in the Cloud (Enterprise Email, Calendars etc)
* - CRM, Sales, Marketing and Customer Support Cloud Systems
* - EC2 and S3 Cloud Services for businesses
* Eloqua - Web Marketing Automation in the Cloud
* Boomi - Systems Integration in the Cloud

They are just some that spring to mind.


Tried to access the appexchange and got this message.

It begs the question, if sites is powering your public website, and the public websites of others, will maintenance always bring the entire website down?

When Sites goes GA (generally available), will thousands of websites and business systems go down for 4 hours every quarter during the release update window?

Can deliver an update without bringing down the system I wonder?